Panchakarma at home Vs professional centers

“Swasthasya swaasthya rakshanam
Athurasya vikara prashamanam”
The main aim of ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy person and to cure the
diseased person .Panchakarma includes the mostimportanttreatments in ayurveda that
helps to achieve these goals of ayurveda. Panchakarma helps to eliminate the vitiated
doshas ‘the boby toxins’. Pancha means ‘five’, karma means ‘actions’ orthe treatments.
Itincludes 5 types of treatments. As per Acharya Charaka Vamana , Virechana, Niruha
vasthi ,Anuvasana Vasthi are the pancha karmas. Susruth and Vagbhata includes Raktha
mokshana as the 5th Karma. According to Ayurveda the three body vital elements are Vata
,Pitta and Kapha. For maintaining the health and wellness these ’three Doshas’ need to be
well balanced. When these get vitiated it leads to building up of unwanted waste or toxins in
the body which will result in different type of Diseases. Through panchakarmas like Vamana
Virechana Vasthi etc it hels to eliminate the vitiated Vata Pitta Kapha respectively .Thus
helps in Detoxification ofthe body and maintain good Health.


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