
Showing posts from January, 2024

Ayurvedic Detox in the Modern Age

Ayurveda aims to maintain the health ofthe healthy persons and to cure the diseased persons. Panchakarma plays most important role in achieving this goal. According to Ayurveda, toxins, or “ama,” accumulate in the body due to various factors such as improper diet, poor digestion, stress, environmental pollutants, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Ama is believed to be the root cause of many diseases and imbalances. Before undergoing Panchakarma, it is essential to prepare the body through a process called Purvakarma... read more

Benefits of Panchakarma Therapy

Benefits of Panchakarma Therapy In Ayurveda Panchakarma is considered the most important treatment that helps to eliminate the vitiated doshas ‘the body toxins’.The word pancha karma first appears in Charaka Samhitha Suthra Sthana’s 2nd chapter. It is described elaborately in Samhithas like Charaka Samhitha, Susruth Samhitha, and Ashtanga Hrudaya. “Sharirajanam Doshanam kramena Paramaushadham”(A.H. Su) “Vamanam rechanam nasyam niruhashcha anuvasanam Ethani Panchakarmani Kadhithani Muniswarai:” As per Acharya Charaka Vamana, Virechana, Niruha Vasthi and Anuvasana Vasthi are the pancha karmas. Susruth and Vagbhata include Raktha mokshana as the 5th Karma. According to Ayurveda the three body vital elements are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. For maintaining health and wellness, these ’three Doshas’ need to be well balanced. When these get vitiated it leads to the building up of unwanted waste or Toxins in the body which will result in different types of diseases. Through panchakarmas like Vamana,